Multiple Borders First up, you need a code for them. Fine them in HTML sample codes or click here. < span style="display: block; background-color: orange; " > < span style="display: block; border: 10px dotted red; " > (REMOVE THE SPACES!) Between the < and inbetween ; " >.
Change the font and the size and the colour and the writing.
There you have it! - Laurenhorse
Now keep repeating that code over and over again and changing the colours, size and the type of border. Next add a text code.
< span style="font: 15pt century gothic; color: lime; " > © Laurenhorse and (AGAIN REMOVE THE SPACES BETWEEN THE < AND THE ; " > ) Change the font and the size and the colour and the writing.
There you have it! - Laurenhorse
Here is all the advice on scrollboxes you need.
1. The Width: 200px is this box. Change it to see what you like.
2. The height: This is 200px, change it to see.
3. Background-color: The background color here is White. Instead of 'White' you may want '#fff0f0;'
4. Padding, this is how much away from the top text to the top of the scrollbox. the padding is 0px as it does not matter here.
5. Here the border is 5px, higher = bigger, lower=smaller,
6.The border, as featured in the Middle border you can see all the borders - this is Dashed.
7. The color of the border is Black, you can chose 'black' or any other color word or '#FF00F0;'
8. Hope this helped. The codes for scrollbox is HTML codes. You can see and then edit, - you can always ask me for more info :D
- Laurenhorse
LaurenhorseHere is all the advice on scrollboxes you need.
1. The Width: 200px is this box. Change it to see what you like.
2. The height: This is 200px, change it to see.
3. Background-color: The background color here is White. Instead of 'White' you may want '#fff0f0;'
4. Padding, this is how much away from the top text to the top of the scrollbox. the padding is 0px as it does not matter here.
5. Here the border is 5px, higher = bigger, lower=smaller,
6.The border, as featured in the Middle border you can see all the borders - this is Dashed.
7. The color of the border is Black, you can chose 'black' or any other color word or '#FF00F0;'
8. Hope this helped. The codes for scrollbox is HTML codes. You can see and then edit, - you can always ask me for more info :D
- Laurenhorse
The easiest of all, here is a text code:
<p style="font: 15pt century gothic; color: lime;">© Laurenhorse and Now this is quite small, if you want it bigger add a bigger number, you can change the font, the colour and the text, good luck and have fun! - Laurenhorse
- Laurenhorse
Text Shadow
At the end of your text html code before the ;"> just add: text-shadow; 0px 0px 10px blue then put ;"> And edit the colour and the size.
- Laurenhorse
At the end of your text html code before the ;"> just add: text-shadow; 0px 0px 10px blue then put ;"> And edit the colour and the size.
- Laurenhorse
Italic/Bold/Strike through
Italic After you finish the code and you come to the writng (it should finish like this ;" >) You put <i/> Type type type, then when you want to get out of italic write <i/> then your back to normal :) Bold It's the same as italic, just instead of putting <i/> you put <b/> and then type away then at the end you put </b> which puts you back into your normal writing. Strike through.
When you finish ;"> and you want to put a trike through add<strike/> at the beginning and when you want to finish add </strike> which puts you back into your normal writing :) - Laurenhorse
When you finish ;"> and you want to put a trike through add
- Laurenhorse
- Laurenhorse
♥ = ♥(alt 3) ⌣ = a smiley(alt 1 alt 2)
© = copyright sign(), (alt codes as well)
áéíóú€¦ other alt GR codes, altgr+a=á altgr+e=é altgr+i=í altgr+o=ó altgr+u=ú altgr+4=€ altgr+(left of no.1)=¦ Aka alt codes
- Laurenhorse
♥ = ♥(alt 3) ⌣ = a smiley(alt 1 alt 2)
© = copyright sign(), (alt codes as well)
áéíóú€¦ other alt GR codes, altgr+a=á altgr+e=é altgr+i=í altgr+o=ó altgr+u=ú altgr+4=€ altgr+(left of no.1)=¦ Aka alt codes
- Laurenhorse
Text Shadow