Please Dollmail me if you are my friend (I now do not accept friend requests) or Add me as a friend on my other account Laurenhorsey (for presentations ONLY, I accept all friend requests on Laurenhorsey) and Guestbook me on my main account saying that you friend requested Laurenhorsey.
1a: (If you want one)What border do you want? *optional
Dotted? Solid? Dashed? Double? another one?
1b: (If you want a border)What colour border do you want?
2: What colour background do you want?
3a: Top font (Head/Name) What colour?
3b: Any preferred font for it?
3c: Do you want a shadow around it?
4a: Main writing font (normal font like this to write in) What colour?
4b: Any preferred font for it?
4c: Do you want a shadow around it?
5(a): Do you want a scrollbox? If no, ignore question 6, if yes follow the steps of question 6. *optional
5b: What sort of background colour for your scrollbox?
5c: What sort of border (if you want a border) for a scrollbox do you want?
6: What is your Stardoll Username?
7: Your password. If you are not comfortable with me knowing your password (even though I do have references) I can post them on here/on another presentation for you to drag through Mozilla Firefox.
All presentations are free of cost, but you must:
*Have over 100 star points.
(If I know you/you're my friend it doesn't matter your star points)
You must of contacted me through Laurenhorse at least once. (Dollmail=sending the answers, guestbook telling me if you have sent them to Laurenhorsey)
Thankies :)
*The reason being, if you have over 100 star points your less likely to copy because you account means more to you.